Thinking of seeking Physical Therapy but not sure what to expect? Maybe you’ve researched Physical Therapy on the internet or spoke to friends and family, but have received contradicting information. Your search stops here, as we debunk the myths of Physical Therapy and put your mind at ease.
“Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy: What is it? Why do I have it? Anything else to try?” by Dr. Catherine Christenson Family Nurse Practitioner
What is Peripheral Neuropathy?
Damage to peripheral nerves that interferes with vital connections from the brain, distorting and interrupting messages to the body.
What are peripheral nerves?
Nerves that are outside the brain and spinal column. The damage to the peripheral nerves can be from inflammation, injury, or disease.
A Brief History of Physical Therapy
While Physical Therapy has been around for ages, practicing this therapy as a career is still relatively new. The roots of some of the physical therapy treatments used today can be found in ancient Greek, Roman, and Egyptian civilizations. These ancient civilizations were using manual therapy and exercise to treat pain and disease, as well as gymnastics and movement exercises to rehabilitate wounded soldiers.
Video Games, Exercise, and Motivation by Andrew Gibson DPT
I’ll admit it; I’ve grown up in an era where video games are a form of playtime. My best friend and I loved them so much we even begged my parents to get a steering wheel with foot pedals so we could play our favorite computer racing game. Every Thanksgiving, I would play FIFA (a soccer game with teams and players from all around the world) for hours on end with my cousin.
When Should You Seek Chiropractic Care?
When You Should See a Chiropractor:
Suffering from neck, back, or knee pain may be a reason to seek out chiropractic care. Patients who stand to benefit the most from chiropractic care are usually healthy and don’t have advanced joint disease. Examples of this include those who have sciatica or old sports injuries.
Maximizing Therapy with a Healthy Diet
American medicine has become reactive as opposed to proactive. It is important for you to be your own advocate and take necessary steps to prevent injuries and surgeries. How we fuel our bodies affects our ability to heal and recover from trauma, broken bones, soft tissue injuries or surgeries. We all know the importance of a healthy diet and exercise,
Joint Pain in the Older Population: A Healing Option
By Dr. Catherine Christenson, DNP, FNP-BC, APRN, Strive! Health and Rehabilitation
In America*, there are over 52 million people ages 65 and older! Of that group, only 41% can report very good or excellent health! What is preventing the other 59% to report better health?
Protective cartilage on the ends of bones wears down on any joint,
10 Reasons to Seek Physical Therapy
What is Physical Therapy?
According to the America Physical Therapy Association, Physical therapists are movement experts who improve quality of life through prescribed exercise, hands-on care, and patient education. Physical therapists diagnose and treat individuals of all ages, from newborns to people at the end of life. Many patients have injuries, disabilities, or other health conditions that need treatment.
Are Headaches Weighing You Down?
Headaches are one of the most common symptoms that we tend to try to push aside and cover up with NSAIDS and pain medications. If you notice that despite the temporary relief, your headache always comes back, then you most likely have an underlying cause…most commonly spinal misalignments. When the nerve roots that exit out of the neck,
What You Can Do About Sciatica
By Jackie Manning, ARNP, Strive! Health and Rehabilitation
Anyone who knows sciatica, knows misery. Sciatica pain shoots through your leg, sometimes resulting in tingling, weakness, and/or numbness. Often beginning as a result of a herniated disk that is pressing on the sciatic nerve, sciatica pain runs from the lower back, all the way down the back of your legs.