
What’s New in Physical Therapy for 2025? Trends and Innovations

The field of physical therapy is always evolving. PT techniques were once niche treatments for training gymnasts or rehabilitating injured soldiers. Now, physical therapy is as mainstream as any other field of medicine. Men and women of any age and physical condition benefit from it. Of course, like everything else in the modern world, innovations in research and new technology continue to push physical therapy forward,

Hip Pain

Happy Hips: Easy Exercises to Relieve Pain and Improve Movement

If you’re struggling with stiff or achy hips, you’re not alone. Hip pain is common, affecting people of all ages and activity levels, often making daily tasks like walking, sitting, or even sleeping uncomfortable. While the causes of hip pain can vary, some of the most common culprits include:

  • Sedentary Lifestyle: Prolonged sitting can cause hip flexors to shorten and tighten,

Understanding and Managing Inflammation: A Holistic Approach

Inflammation is a natural part of your body’s immune response to injuries. It is the process through which your immune system recognizes and removes harmful stimuli and promotes healing. In general, it is a good thing. However, when inflammation occurs in healthy tissue or goes on for too long, it can harm your body and cause a range of chronic diseases.

Knee Pain

3 Simple Exercises You Can Do at Home for Knee Pain

Knee pain is a common issue that can affect people of all ages and lifestyles – from athletes to people just going about their daily activities. Whether caused by injury, overuse, or underlying conditions like arthritis, knee pain can significantly impact your mobility and quality of life. The good news is you don’t always need medications or invasive treatments for relief.

Administrative Professionals Day

Celebrating Administrative Professionals: The Backbone of Every Office

By: Marie Serrado

As Administrative Professionals Day approaches, it’s time to show appreciation for the unsung heroes of the workplace. These individuals are the backbone of every office, keeping operations running smoothly and efficiently. From managing schedules to handling correspondence, administrative professionals play a crucial role in supporting the entire team.

Incorporating Yoga into Your Physical Therapy Routine This Fall

By: Marie Serrado

As the weather begins to cool down, it’s a great way to incorporate new ways to enhance your physical therapy routine. A great option to add to your routine is Yoga. Yoga is a mind-body practice that focuses on your physical, emotional and mental health. This practice uses movement, mindfulness,meditation,

Better Hearing & Speech Month

Each May, Better Hearing & Speech Month (BHSM) gives us an opportunity to raise awareness about communication disorders. This month is the perfect time to shine a spotlight on speech and hearing issues as well as evaluate our communication capabilities. Speech and hearing disorders often go unnoticed due to fear of being singled out or a lack of knowledge.

Move More Month: Easy Ways to Get Moving in the Workplace

April, also known as Move More Month by the American Heart Association, is an opportunity to study personal habits and work to incorporate additional daily activity.

According to the AHA, most adults spend the majority of their waking hours at work and find themselves with little time or energy left at the end of the day to exercise or get moving.

Occupational Therapy – What Is It?


Occupational Therapy focuses on treating patients who are recovering from a range of ailments, teaching them how to adapt and live life to the fullest. These ailments can be physical, mental, developmental, and emotional, impacting a person’s ability to perform daily activities at any age.

Occupational therapists typically work with patients who display:

  • Birth Injuries or birth defects
  • Sensory processing disorders
  • Traumatic injuries to the brain or the spinal cord
  • Autism &