Joint Pain

Joint Pain

By Jackie Manning, ARNP, Strive! Health and Rehabilitation

Remember the childhood game connect the dots? Think of your joints as those important dots that connect your bones to one another. Joints are crucial to our body’s functionality. We also know that joints are what facilitate our free movement. The main joints include our shoulders,

Start Living

Get Back to Living and Ditch Ankylosing Spondylitis

By Jackie Manning, ARNP, Strive! Health and Rehabilitation

Ankly what? This mouthful, ankylosing spondylitis, is a chronic condition that affects an estimated half a million sufferers. The illness is a form of inflammatory arthritis targeting the spine and causing chronic back pain. While unsure of the cause, some researchers have been able to isolate a gene that may contribute to the development.

Introducing Dr. Catherine Christenson

We are delighted to introduce Family Nurse Practitioner, Dr. Christenson, who specializes in orthopedics and regenerative medicine.

“I just love to help patients get out of pain,” she says. Learn more about her drive, passions, and what makes Dr. Christenson uniquely qualified to help patients heal and return to an optimal state of living.

Back Pain

Upper Back Pain Causes and Treatments

By Jackie Manning, ARNP, Strive! Health and Rehabilitation

Ever feel like you have a monkey on your back? This could be due to a stressor in your life. On the other hand, your disgruntlement could literally be upper back pain!

While upper back pain may not be as common as low back or neck pain,


Let’s Talk Shoes!

By Jackie Manning, ARNP, Strive! Health and Rehabilitation

Is there a relationship between shoe choice and chronic pain?

It can certainly be difficult to connect the dots between those adorable shoes that complete your ensemble and the misery you feel within minutes of walking in them!

Chronic knee and back pain that is seemingly getting worse by the day,


Rollers to the Rescue

By Jackie Manning, ARNP, Strive! Health and Rehabilitation

Like a pastry chef, rolling dough to even out the consistency, sometime muscles need the same TLC. In fact, foam rolling can be just what the doctor ordered—much needed relief to an ache or pain.

Most of us in physical therapy,


Is Your Smartphone Giving You a Headache?

By Jackie Manning, ARNP, Strive! Health and Rehabilitation

Between tempers flaring on social media and not so comforting headlines in the news, it’s no wonder why your smartphone might be giving you a headache! But in all seriousness, if you use a smartphone and suffer from headaches, it might be time to get to the bottom of it and break some habits.



By Jackie Manning, ARNP, Strive! Health and Rehabilitation

When circumstances around us change quickly, we often complain of whiplash! In this sense, the phrase can refer to an emotional reaction.

But what exactly is whiplash in a physical sense? If you don’t know the answer, then that’s good news!

Bike Crash

Why Chronic Pain and Fatigue Spin Round and Round Like Spokes on a Wheel

By Jackie Manning, ARNP, Strive! Health and Rehabilitation

It’s a bit of a chicken and egg conundrum. Is the pain the cause of the fatigue, or is fatigue a separate issue making pain worse?

The link between pain and energy loss is clear.

Patients who experience chronic pain often report daytime fatigue.

Great Northern Rehab physical therapy in Ironwood mi


To Our Patients,

Our offices continue to stay open during the COVID-19 crisis.

Our staff is committed to your care and take necessary precautions throughout the day.

If you have any questions about COVID-19, please visit the Centers for Disease Control website.

Our goal is to care for you at the highest level while making sure the public risk of exposure to coronavirus is minimized.