Healthy Food

Eat Your Way to Combatting the Effects of Fibromyalgia

By Jackie Manning, ARNP, Strive! Health and Rehabilitation

Do you suffer from the yucky, draining aches of fibromyalgia? While the cause is still shrouded in mystery, a large body of research has identified different treatment options that may ease the pain of fibromyalgia in patients. Diet in conjunction with a treatment here at Strive can help to reduce symptoms and bring about much needed relief.

Introducing Dr. Catherine Christenson

We are delighted to introduce Family Nurse Practitioner, Dr. Christenson, who specializes in orthopedics and regenerative medicine.

“I just love to help patients get out of pain,” she says. Learn more about her drive, passions, and what makes Dr. Christenson uniquely qualified to help patients heal and return to an optimal state of living.

Back Stretch

All About Chairs! How to Find “The One”

By Jackie Manning, ARNP, Strive! Health and Rehabilitation

We’ve probably all heard the startling claim that “sitting is the new smoking.” Whether or not this sensationalized statement is true is still up for debate. No doubt, people who are less sedentary and more mobile tend to have better health outcomes. Aside from the stiller lifestyle,



By Jackie Manning, ARNP, Strive! Health and Rehabilitation

Feeling a little topsy-turvy and curvy? What exactly is scoliosis? This condition is characterized by a sideways curvature of the spine that has an unknown cause and most often occurs during the growth spurt just before puberty, although it can occur at any age.

Post-Surgical Rehab

Post-surgical Rehab

By Jackie Manning, ARNP, Strive! Health and Rehabilitation

You successfully went under the knife and made it out on the other side! Congrats! The hard part is over now, right? Well, not so fast. Another phase of recovery awaits.

In most cases, medical experts recommend physical therapy following an operation.

Back Pain

Upper Back Pain Causes and Treatments

By Jackie Manning, ARNP, Strive! Health and Rehabilitation

Ever feel like you have a monkey on your back? This could be due to a stressor in your life. On the other hand, your disgruntlement could literally be upper back pain!

While upper back pain may not be as common as low back or neck pain,


Let’s Talk Shoes!

By Jackie Manning, ARNP, Strive! Health and Rehabilitation

Is there a relationship between shoe choice and chronic pain?

It can certainly be difficult to connect the dots between those adorable shoes that complete your ensemble and the misery you feel within minutes of walking in them!

Chronic knee and back pain that is seemingly getting worse by the day,


Riding Wisdom from an Equestrian and PT, Part 2

“Riding horses can be very therapeutic for your back because it helps with the movement and the flexibility in your spine.” Watch for more juicy info about how Physical Therapy can help YOU become a better rider!


Rollers to the Rescue

By Jackie Manning, ARNP, Strive! Health and Rehabilitation

Like a pastry chef, rolling dough to even out the consistency, sometime muscles need the same TLC. In fact, foam rolling can be just what the doctor ordered—much needed relief to an ache or pain.

Most of us in physical therapy,