Christmas Pug

What a Pain in the Butt!

If you’re dealing with a pain in the butt right now, it could be from any number of things. But if you’re dealing specifically with a pain in your butt—literally—it might be piriformis syndrome. The piriformis muscle is a thick band like muscle that runs diagonally across the buttocks region. This muscle becomes inflamed from activities and lifestyle habits,

Tension Headache

Chronic Tension Headaches

By Jackie Manning, ARNP, Strive! Health and Rehabilitation

Chronic tension headaches are no fun at all!

When you think of chronic pain and headaches, migraines may come to mind. Although migraines are one common type of recurring headache, there are others.

You may have experienced chronic tension headaches at a time in life when you were stressed or perhaps when sleep was continuously interrupted or harder to come by.

Deck the Halls

Deck the Halls without Pains in the Neck

By Jackie Manning, ARNP, Strive! Health and Rehabilitation

Cervical osteoarthritis can be a real pain in the neck! Please excuse the corny pun. Had to go there!

Also known as cervical spondylosis, this condition flares up when the neck bones, joints, and discs undergo changes—typically consisting of wear-and-tear due to aging and potentially,

Pelvic Health

Pelvic Health

By Jackie Manning, ARNP, Strive! Health and Rehabilitation

While we all love a good laugh, for someone with pelvic floor disorder, a simple chuckle can lead to an embarrassing moment!

Pelvic floor disorders can not only cause pain but can also cause symptoms like urine leakage and constipation—symptoms that can lead to embarrassing and debilitating limitations in daily life.

Ins and Outs of Pain

The Ins and Outs of Pain

By Jackie Manning, ARNP, Strive! Health and Rehabilitation

We’ve all wondered why we feel pain. Why does it hurt so much when we slam our finger in the door or stub our toe? When we feel pain in response to an injury, it’s a signal that our body has been injured or damaged in some way.

Joint Pain

Joint Pain

By Jackie Manning, ARNP, Strive! Health and Rehabilitation

Remember the childhood game connect the dots? Think of your joints as those important dots that connect your bones to one another. Joints are crucial to our body’s functionality. We also know that joints are what facilitate our free movement. The main joints include our shoulders,

Start Living

Get Back to Living and Ditch Ankylosing Spondylitis

By Jackie Manning, ARNP, Strive! Health and Rehabilitation

Ankly what? This mouthful, ankylosing spondylitis, is a chronic condition that affects an estimated half a million sufferers. The illness is a form of inflammatory arthritis targeting the spine and causing chronic back pain. While unsure of the cause, some researchers have been able to isolate a gene that may contribute to the development.

Masking Pain

Stop Masking Pain

By Jackie Manning, ARNP, Strive! Health and Rehabilitation

The way out is through. No pain, no gain. You’ve got to face your problems head on.

We hear these phrases all the time, and it’s easy to roll our eyes. Why? Well, for starters, we’re not always convinced they’re true.

Pumpkin Feet

Tell Your Aching Feet to Take a Hike

By Jackie Manning, ARNP, Strive! Health and Rehabilitation

Our feet do a lot of work but get very little attention. At least, not until we start having foot pain. Then they demand that attention like a toddler demands candy! Why do feet hurt so badly? Well foot pain is usually coming from a mix of different interwoven structures,

Stretching Cat

Squash Shoulder Pain

By Jackie Manning, ARNP, Strive! Health and Rehabilitation

When shoulder pain comes up, many people automatically assume surgery is the go-to fix. Not the case! Shoulder pain has many problems, and treatment options are as diverse as the day is long. For example, bursitis, arthritis, injuries, and overuse are just a few of the many causes.